February 2023 This month we will be looking at some slides from a DDHS talk by place-name expert Liz Curtis. Liz studied…
Category: Past Talks
Meetings take place in Dunbar Town House on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7pm (Speaker at 7.30pm).
Dunbar Cottage Hospital talk by Dr James Herring
December 2022 This month features a talk given to the Society by Dr James Herring. It is the first of two talks…
The Battleblent: A DDHS talk by Dr Pat Simpson
October 2022 This month, we are going to look at some extracts from a talk given to the Society by Dr Pat…
Dr Pat Simpson talk
The next meeting will feature a talk by Dr Pat Simpson and is entitled Summerfield House and Neighbours. The talk will consist…
Dunbar and John Muir
John Muir was born in Dunbar on 21st April 1838. The family emigrated to America in 1849. He married Louisa Wanda Strentzel…
Who lived at the Eden Hotel?
This month sees an innovation in the Resources section in that it features extracts from one of the monthly talks given to…