To complete this year’s Resources pages, we will look at some paintings by local artist Willie “Topsy” Marr. His paintings were completed in the 1950s, 1960s…
This month, we return to 1969 and the follow up to It’s A Knockout which took place in Dunbar Swimming Pool/Pond in June of that year….
More material this month donated by Pam Murray and left by her father George Low. The enlarged image is interesting for more than one reason….
The auction of the contents of the King Ja Ja, conducted at Thorntonloch by George Low on 21st October 1905 The July 2020 resources above…
I started this project as a follow up to the start of the spread of the Corona virus to tell a new generation in Dunbar…
Dunbar in Lockdown– a personal perspective reflecting on the effect of Covid-19 on Dunbar. To find a precedent for the current lockdown, one should go back to the winter of 1337/8…
The 2nd part of Jim Herring’s analysis of the 1899 Map of Dunbar is now complete. You can watch a video of this virtual talk…
In Dunbar’s social history, one of the key events – in terms of the visibility of the town to the outside world – happened on…
This summer, events were planned to mark the 650th anniversary of Dunbar’s first charter, also the 50th anniversary of the town’s Civic Week, and many…
Clan Dunbar International is a group which was set up in the United States in 1977 by Robert Bruce Dunbar. It was incorporated in the…