The Society’s 2024 took place in the Town House on 9th April. Following the main business, there were short presentations by some…
Dunbar Cottage Hospital: Operations, Incidents and Memories
The final talk in the DDHS 2023-2024 season was entitled Dunbar Cottage Hospital: Operations, Incidents and Memories and delivered by Dr James…
T Wilson Fish: Dunbar Benefactor and Historian
A Talk by Will Collin and Gordon Easingwood The February 2024 DDHS talk was on the little known T Wilson Fish, who…
East Barns: Celebration and Reference and Barneyhill employees
Two recent donations to DDHS from members Andrew and Margaret Ashton are interesting documents, relating firstly to the 1953 coronation and secondly…
Saltcoats Castle, East Lothian, and the Livingstones – A Talk by David Sowerby
The December 2023 talk for DDHS was by member David Sowerby and he kindly sent three slides, plus a link to the…
Dunglass: Snapshots in Time – a talk by Dr Pat Simpson
The November 2023 talk was given by DDHS member Dr Pat Simpson and entitled Dunglass: Snapshots in Time. Pat has kindly sent 3…
Putting Dunbar on the Map: A talk by Paula Williams, National Library of Scotland
Our first talk of the new season in September was very successful as we had an excellent talk on maps of Dunbar…
The Roxburghe Marine Hotel
August 2023 Jim Herring did some research in the National Library of Scotland on The Roxburghe Marine Hotel, later the Roxburghe Hotel.…
George Low & Sons: Shop, Upholstery and Auctions
July 2023 This month we are going to look at some new photos (donated by Pam Murray neé Low) relating to her…
Up Our Street Exhibition in Dunbar Town House
June 2023 This month, we are going to look at some of the boards displayed in the new DDHS exhibition in the…