I started this project as a follow up to the start of the spread of the Corona virus to tell a new generation in Dunbar about the importance of the Royal Charter which created the burgh of Dunbar on 8th February 1370. In March we were considering covis as a threat which would last some weeks. I decided to give myself the date of the next Royal Charter as my end date ,that was on the 16th August. As August approached it seemed we were winning and lockdown was eased. Unfortunately things now seem worse again and we are now more or less cancelling Christmas and talking about disruption in 2021.
I stuck to my decision and brought my series to an end with a reflection of this extraordinary year.
It seems to me however, that I should provide a summary statement which would be useful to those who have just joined us. The early pieces are available on the Dunbar Community Council website. You have to look in each one for the key words’ read more’.
The first post was on the 1st April and was an introduction by Pippa Swan called Occasional Histories of Dunbar
The second was on 2nd April called Dunbar 650
On 8th April, Dunbar from 1970
On23rd April, The Minutes of the last meeting of Dunbar Burgh Council on 15th May 1975
On 4th. May, The Dunbar Burgh Establishment
On 11th. May, Dunbar, The A1 Resort
On30th. May, Dunbar Civic Week
On27th June, Dunbar, Local Government
On 1st. July, The Community Council
On 11th July, Dunbar Community Council Awards
on 16th July, Dunbar and John Muir
On 19th July, The Twenty Five pounder gun at Dunbar
On 5th August, Dunbar and Twinning
On 15th August, Lest We Forget
On 22nd August, Clan Dunbar
On 5th September, Dunbar in Lockdown
[Clan Dunbar should perhaps be read before Lest we Forget]
Some articles of local interest can also be found on East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists Society web site.
I hope this is helpful
Best wishes
Stephen Bunyan
18 09 20