Centenary Sale
This month includes another photo of George Low and his staff, probably from the early 1950s (donated by Pam Murray), plus an advert for the shop in 1950. Continuing the shops theme, this is followed by a bill sent out by Daniel Smith’s shop in 1947 and an advert for the 100th anniversary of the shop in 1961. Copies of these were donated by Morag Hastie (nee Smith).
The photo above shows on the back row George Low (owner of the business) Dave Campbell, John/Jock Cowan and Tom Barrie. We don’t as yet know the names of the other two in the photo. All the employees were highly skilled tradesmen e.g. cabinet makers, upholsterers or shop fitters.
The photo above shows what would have been a highly fashionable dining room suite in 1950. This was available from the shop, which stocked a wide range of furniture at the time. The shop was one part of a larger business which included cabinet making, upholstery, shop fitting, auctioneering and funeral services.
This bill was sent out by Daniel Smith to Robert Aitken – owner of the chemist’s shop next to George Low & Son – in 1947. Each item is listed with the cost and below that, you can see that the bill is receipted “With Thanks. Daniel Smith” and there is a postage stamp attached, as was the practice in those days. Some of you will be surprised by the “Marine Rd” address. Christine Mitchell (nee Aitken) has told the History Society that this was a rented house while Ashfield Cottage (near Station Road) was being renovated.
The advert above was on the front page of the Haddingtonshire Courier of 14th July 1961 and informed customers of a “Centenary Sale”. The advert also includes a statement from the opening of the shop in 1861, in which the original Daniel Smith promised that “he will make it his study to bring regularly before the public a choice selection” of a range of goods and hopes that this will “merit sa share of public Patronage”. The Courier was a broadsheet publication then and only contained 8 pages.
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